A Message of Peace

[accordion title=”Peacepective’s goal is twofold” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#b8edff” header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#3dbfeb” header_bordercolor=”#325432″]First, it offers a different outlook on a woman’s everyday life, one that increases her ability to feel at peace and interact in peace. Second, it offers practical tips for the different roles she shoulders at home and in da`wa.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Peace is a key word in Islam.” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#567890″ header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#234234″ header_bordercolor=”#325432″]Of the beautiful names of our Creator is the name Peace, Heaven is called the ‘Home of Peace’; our greeting to one another is ‘peace be upon you’.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”
Without peace, there can be no accomplishment” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#234234″ header_color=”#325432″ header_bgcolor=”#567890″ header_bordercolor=”#ababab”]it is a prerequisite of any meaningful or beneficial activity. [/accordion]
[accordion title=”Peace is akin to happiness” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#567890″ header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#234234″ header_bordercolor=”#325432″]true lasting and deep happiness.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”A serene heart is our most important asset” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#567890″ header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#234234″ header_bordercolor=”#325432″]In this life we strive to attain and work hard to maintain the sense of peace and tranquility in our hearts. Much happens on a daily basis to disturb the waters of our heart, but we must not allow troubles or conflict to diminish the purity, transparency or calm of it. For with a serene heart, we are able to truly benefit from our prayer, with it we come closer to attaining the meanings of Quran and with it we are able to stay tuned in to our Creator throughout the turmoil of our lives.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”There is a relationship more important than all others” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#567890″ header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#234234″ header_bordercolor=”#325432″]that with our Lord, that justifies such focus and concentration on the tranquility of our feelings and thoughts. [/accordion]
[accordion title=”This is why as Muslims we strive” color=”#ababab” bgcolor=”#567890″ header_color=”#ababab” header_bgcolor=”#234234″ header_bordercolor=”#325432″]sacrifice and forego much to retain peace in our hearts, in our lives, and all around us.[/accordion]