In Preparation for Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, there is a need to prepare ourselves to take advantage of this blessed month in order to get closer to our Lord. Muslim scholars, and people with a strong relationship to Allah, would take this month off from their students and followers and use it to restore and further develop their iman. Unfortunately, the scholars and teachers of today do not have this luxury, on the contrary they await this month in which people’s hearts soften in order that they may help them further develop their faith. Therefore most teachers today, cannot afford to go into seclusion themselves. As for us ordinary people, who are not responsible for hundreds of students and followers, we are the lucky ones in this day and age because we can focus on strengthening our iman and aqeedah during Ramadan.
To do so, we must take advantage of this week.


1. Try to tie up loose ends and either quickly deal with or set aside your worldly affairs:
  • Are you a mother of little ones? Perhaps you want to settle their Eid clothes from now so it doesn’t take up time from Ramadan. Do you live in a country that will have school start before the end of Ramadan? Then perhaps you need to do your back-to-school supplies shopping now.


  • Does your culture require that you spend the days before Ramadan spring-cleaning and fixing up your home for Eid? Do it the Islamic way and get your house clean and beautiful to welcome Ramadan instead.



2. Again, plan and anticipate all that might distract you from putting every hour to its greatest use in terms of pleasing Allah:
  • Think about your health. Is there a dentist appointment you need to go to this week? Do you need to consult with your doctor about adjusting your medication in order to fast? Make sure you stay hydrated in the hours of non-fasting by drinking often. What bad habits are you planning to eliminate from your life? Don’t forget to work in a nap during the day to help you wake up for suhoor and stay up after fajr and for taraweeh.


  • Ramadan this year for most of us comes during some of the hottest and longest days of the year. What will you cook for iftar? What will you prepare for suhoor? Think healthy, light, summer dishes for iftar that won’t make you too sleepy and tired for taraweeh. Think light yet nutritious for suhoor to carry you throughout the day. Jot down ideas for a menu as they come to you during this week so you don’t waste time pouring over cook books while you could be reading Quran.


  • What about the children? Whether they are old enough to fast or too young to appreciate your preoccupation with the month, you need to think of activities that are both meaningful and fun. Will you allow your fasting young ones to while the hours away in front of the TV? Is reading novels an acceptable activity in Ramadan to you? How about setting a limit of an hour a day for TV (if at all) and only Islamic material regarding reading. How about if you think of and set up a number of projects/activities that will keep them busy and benefiting instead of nagging and fighting throughout the day.


  • What about your house work? Can you think of ways to make it easier, faster and your time spent doing it more efficient. Please share ideas that may help others keep messes to a minimum and share any house-keeping tips that might cut down on the energy needed to keep our homes neat, clean and angel-friendly.


  • Are there any exhausting errands you could run now so as not to do in the heat while fasting?  What about borrowed books, dishes or any other items that should be returned?


  • What about your job? Do you have the freedom to plan less exhausting projects during Ramadan? Can you plan to take a few days off during the last week of Ramadan? Can you at least avoid thought-consuming workshops and conferences during that week?



3. Last but not least, concentrate on what you would like to accomplish in Ramadan:
  • What will your daily schedule include? All the sunnah prayers and the nafl?


  • How many taraweeh rakas do you resolve to pray daily? How often will they be in jama’a?


  • Will you be reading the entire Quran once this month (in which case you need to do more than a juz’ a day) or will you do several khitmes?


  • What about preparing meals to break the fast of others? What about preparing food staples for the poor? What about going through your closets and belongings for what you can spare for those in need? Do you have a source of income? The generous Messenger (pbuh) used to increase his generosity in Ramadan until it was said he spent like the flowing breeze.


  • And what about your dua’? Have you prepared a list of all you want to make dua for in Ramadan? All the people you want to make dua for? What is the hurdle in your life? Who is the person you are most worried about? What is the situation that requires your most fervent and accepted dua at the end of each day? Don’t forget to ask that you may be amongst those privileged to get the reward of the Night of Qadr.


  • Most importantly, allow your family to feel the peace that comes with Ramadan. Focus on it and do not allow low blood sugar or the heat to spoil the angelic atmosphere.



May Allah grant us the barakah of Sha’ban to prepare well for Ramadan, and may He allow us to experience Ramadan once more and benefit from it to the greatest extent and our families and loved ones, ameen.


One response to “In Preparation for Ramadan”

  1. Ameen! I cannot wait to make this a Ramadan to Remember 🙂
    InshaAllah, Ramadan Kareem to you and yours dearest Anse.

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