Tag: reflection
Reflections on Haj
The conditions for an accepted towbah are, remorse, making amends and a sincere intention not to commit the sin again. Back-biting or similar offenses are best amended by making dua for the person, doing/giving sadaqa in their name or the like. Going up to a person and telling them you have been talking or talked…
Dhul-Hijjah Preparation: amanas and towbah
Our second step in getting ready for Dhul Hijjah is returning all amanas to their owners. In fact it is a good idea to have a place close to the front door where you place all borrowed items that need to be returned, so they do not get mixed up with your things and you…
On Dirty Clothes and the Volume of Sin
Umrah’s Life Lessons #2: On Dirty Clothes and the Volume of Sin No one packs a suitcase like my daughter Ruqaiyah. Ever since she was a child she’s had a knack for folding that renders the item of clothing, towel or sheet to its original store-bought pristine shape. On our previous Umrah she went with…
The Chained Chair…The Blessing of Having a Guide
I would like to share a series of reflections that were written last year after I went on Umrah with my husband and ten year old daughter. Our accommodations were at a good distance from the Haram, we had no one with us to help and the crowds were greater than ever before, a grand…
As the Hujjaj return…
This is the time to think about and plan for Haj. Now as you welcome the people coming back from Haj in your community, decide that you want to go next year and start planning. I knew a young girl who read that haj is both a physical and financial act of worship and started…
Eid ul-Adha
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Allahumma salli ala sayidina Muhammad All praise be to Allah we have much to thank him for. Unlike occasions where happiness stems from passing material matters, the joy we feel in Eid comes from accomplishment. As an Ummah we feel the accomplishment of the Muslims in haj and our hearts and thoughts…
Unseen Blessings
Layer Upon layer Upon layer Upon layer Of Your blessings Like a cloak cover my head and shoulders